South End Average Rent Prices

Whether you’re new in the Boston area or looking for South End apartments, knowing South End’s average rent prices can be a great asset to finding the right place. Fortunately, there is much information to help guide your apartment search.

South End apartments

The South End apartment rental market has changed over the past year. South End’s average rent prices are down 7.97% from the past year in light of the recent economic slump. The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the South End is $2,358. This puts South End 1 bedroom average rent prices at the 3rd highest in the Boston market. Average rents for one-bedroom apartments in downtown Boston are $2209, while rents in Back Bay for one bedroom are $2,388 on average. Of course, these rent prices will also vary based on the apartment size, with a studio being less expensive and 2, 3, and 4-bedroom apartments being more, as well as the amenities of the specific apartment complex or building.

Rent is only part of the factor in finding a suitable apartment. Vacancy rates will help determine the best bet to find the most valued apartment you can move into. Vacancy Rates are determined by comparing the number of vacant apartments to the total apartment supply. Another measure of apartment supply is the availability rate, which reaches all vacant and available apartments not vacated to the total apartment supply. The current vacancy rate in the South End is 3.38%. South End shows slightly lower vacancy rates than Boston and the general Boston area. The vacancy rate in Boston is 4.81%, indicating that it is somewhat harder to find an apartment in the South End versus the rest of the Boston area.

Finding the perfect apartment can be challenging, particularly when competing with other apartment seekers and looking for the best apartment for the best value. Fortunately, if you’re looking for an apartment in the South End area, your chances of finding the desired apartment are better than in years past. With ample supply and landlords remaining flexible to rent units during COVID, living in the South End is more accessible than ever.

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